'Battle Warrior' is an Animation event, primarily organized by MAAC VASAI. It is an event where students can know their potential by putting their skills on test and mould themselves according to the ever evolving industry.
In this event, three teams compete against each other from the given themes which included 'Military' where they have to make a vehicle which had its own unique features with their designing skills and creativity, and 'Luxurious Life' where they have to make a vehicles imbibed with sophisticated features with their designing skills, creativity along with their aesthetic sense.
'Battle Warrior' is a full-of-spirit event, on the final day participants need to be present along with their parents where they will present their work in front of their parents and 'Jury' who are from industry. This event is a one-of-kind lifetime experience for a students to test their creativity. During this event,'Team Astra' won the battle warrior by making the best Animation Art.
'Battle Warrior 2.O' is an Talent Showcase event, primarily organized by MAAC VASAI. This is the second season of battle warrior where students showed many other new 3D Animation and VFX and Branding creation work with their immense talent and hardwork.
In this 2.O version, many teams compete against each other from the given themes which included 'Sci-Fi City'where they have to create a sci-fi city which has to be of 30sec minimum.
'Battle Warrior 2.O' is a full-of-spirit event, on the final day participants need to be present along with their parents where they will present their work in front of their parents and 'Jury' who are from industry. This event is a one-of-kind lifetime experience for a students to test their creativity. During this event,'Team Astra' won the battle warrior by making the best Animation Art.